St. Andrews Family Shelter 

Homeless in Hugo? Does that really happen here?
It is only a step away for families who might lose a job, or the hours needed to make ends meet, or a spouse to help meet the bills.
It might surprise you to find there are neighbors next door in need. Your children’s friends in school. The next person in line for gas or at the grocery store.

New Life Church Lutheran has joined with a number of local churches to sponsor this Family Shelter organized by St. Andrews Church in Mahtomedi.

For information on the project, volunteering, etc. check out this document and video:

St Andrews Family Shelter Information 

5 Minute Overview Video

The serving partnerships have these opportunities:
1. Overnight (from 8 pm – 9 am)
This is the most critical need for the shelter, someone to stay overnight, and the hardest one for our church to fulfill.  It is truly a unique way to serve Christ!  Even if you can only do it once a year, that would be SO very helpful. Otherwise, 10 days before the event, I will call the coordinator and have her reach out to other volunteers who are willing to sleep over.

2. Providing laundry supplies (leave in New Life Church kitchen beside freezer).

3. Providing/serving meals. A few options: drop off your meal, or you can stay and serve it and meet the people again! Meals can be made at home, purchased as frozen meals, or be restaurant deliveries (like pizza, fried chicken, etc).
Meal sign-ups can be found at

The “work” is simple. Be a Host. Be Generous. Be Open. Be the Hands & Ears of Jesus.
A Staff person is usually on-site for at least part of the shift.

Dinner: warm up or make a prepared main dish, add a salad/vegetables/desert from the fridge.

Overnight/Breakfast: Bring a sleeping bag (yes, you serve through sleep + a little extra)

  • Make lunches for next day as requested, interact with families
  • Sleep
  • Set out or make breakfast
  • Shut/lock the door when everyone leaves (by 9) or a staff person will complete this.

To Volunteer, a few notes:
Because volunteers are working with families with children, you will need to

  1. Fill out the St Andrews Family Shelter Adult Volunteer Application & give to Kay W.
  2. Complete this Background Check form and turn in to black lockbox in main office
  3. View this short (10 min) Safe video: Watch SAFE video on YouTube

Simulation – where you can try your hand at navigating the frustration of poverty

The St. Genevieve Rectory has been converted to a Family Homeless shelter. Clean and bright; full of Hope and bathed in Prayer.

Local churches have “adopted” weeks where we will fill in the two daily shifts, to prepare, provide or set out evening meal,  and to just “be there”. A Host

Back entrance of remodeled rectory at St. Genevieve's for St. Andrew Family Shelter.

Interested in helping out?

Contact the church office for more info
